It's been rather a while since I've written a post, so I thought I'd write about what's sitting next to me as I type. A couple of 'first editions' that I picked up for $4 each today (actually, they were technically free, as we spent a lot of money at that particular bookstore, so the owner didn't charge me the $8 he was asking). So, this small price begs the question: are they truly first editions? How do you tell?
No really, I'm asking! My new 'thing' for the last few years has been to look out for first editions of any books I deem worthy of collecting. So far, I've got 6 first edition 'Famous Five' books by Enid Blyton. I was given as a gift an Agatha Christie book - Death on the Nile if you want to know. I have also picked up several more Agatha Christies, lower profile ones I'll add.
So today, while browsing the classics section at the little secondhand store, I found several worthy copies that COULD be considered first editions. But how do you tell?? Especially when one of the books I purchased has no dates anywhere.
I'm guessing from the price guide that these are not TRUE first editions. As in, the first copy ever to be printed and sold anywhere in the whole entire world. However, they are still awesome copies to have in a collection.
My purchases:
-Bunyand's Pilgrim's Progress (1927)
-The Man in the Iron Mask (no date)
So, if you have any hints, tips or secrets for a first edition collector newbie, please let me know via the 'Contact' page!
Happy reading!
